Brian May da clases de guitarra... ¡desde su casa!

Música 28/03/2020 . Hora: 07:00
Brian May da clases de guitarra... ¡desde su casa!

En tiempos de cuarentena, son muchos los artistas que deciden deleitar con música a sus fanáticos.

Por eso, el guitarrista Queen decidió enseñrles algunas canciones de la banda a sus seguidores.


Lo hace desde su cuenta de Instagram, en el cual toca el solo de "Rapsodia Bohemia, y explica el paso a paso. ¡Mirá!


Don't even THINK of watching this if you're not interested in guitars, Queen music , or musings on the CoronaVirus. This is the conclusion of my MicroConcert of last night - which veers off into a Star Lick tutorial. And some noodling. And some concluding thoughts about the situation we're all in, as humans, right now. THANKS so much for the comments you've sent me about these guitar Microcosms - it's actually taught me a lot in terms of what I have to offer and what I might be doing with it in order to maximise its effect. We all need to be aware of the effect we have on those around us - if we have time to stop and listen. We all need a mirror. Take care dear folks - Bri

Una publicación compartida de Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el

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