Carlos Vives habló de las "fotos hot" de su hija

Farándula 29/11/2018 . Hora: 16:00
Carlos Vives habló de las ”fotos hot” de su hija

No es la primera vez que Lucy Vives, la hija del cantante colombiano, es parte de una producción fotográfica "hot" o directamente sin ropa.

En algunas imágenes, en las cuales la joven aparece desnuda, se ha despertado la polémica entre sus fanáticos y ahora el propio Carlos Vives salió a hablar.


"Lucy está en sus estudios en Nueva Orleans. Estudia psicología pero le gusta la sociología, el activismo. Es una defensora de los derechos de la mujer. Ha sido una activista en la universidad. Ella es bastante polémica con ese tema. Le gusta la fotografía. Le gusta usar su cuerpo para dar un mensaje", dijo, en defensa de la joven de 22 años. 


call me what you want after reading this but after much thought, the following statement is how im choosing to address this . and yes, even just one serious accusation is more than enough for me to say something. my truth is you were a great guy, incredibly professional respectful and it was my pleasure to shoot for you. i am no judge and my intention here is not to accuse. as a student and advocate, for women and civil rights issues in general, however, i can"t put your name on our images without acknowledging this issue. i am sorry but i only wish i knew the following from you, instead of google...and the world • so here goes! • every photographer accused of sexual harassment should find it necessary to tell all his future models and ask for their consent after the fact. be it true or false. this industry is large and too free for its trust, comfort and beauty to be ruined by dishonesty, pride and fear. the art industry is my sanctuary and i know i"m not the only one. im a fan of your work so i neglected to research you negatively, skipping my rule of thumb: we have the resources so we do research on ALL people we work with. period. I"m grateful that im always vigilant, and always accompanied at shoots so i"m lucky to not have even 1 story of discomfort, abuse, or harassment in my 3+ years of nude modeling with over dozens of male and female photographers alike. even with the MeToo movement, not enough people speak about this. im barely in the world of modeling , so i can"t imagine what some men and women experience on a nearly daily basis. i walked into this shoot and had a blessed morning sharing my serenity, my artistic space, and my passion with what i felt was a kidred spirit in a safe space.. only to discover later, from a number of DMs and personal messages concerned that this person had been the accused subject of a very heartbreaking experience publically detailed by a female acquaintance in a shoot setting ... So, EVERYONE! this is the Last collaborative nude shoot ill be working with a new male photographer. not saying women aren"t equally capable of atrocities but this is my protest because men in the arts must see consequences

Una publicación compartida de lucia vives (@lucyvives) el

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